It's Christmas morning in Capua. Through grey fluffy clouds I can see either the bright white sunshine or vivid blue sky. I'm hanging out washing on the balcony. I'm greeted with birdsong and a somewhat chill blast of air.

So moving on. This is the post you weren't going to get! Things have been busy here this autumn and winter as you've probably guessed from the lack of blog posts. I missed the figs and I'll miss the figgy pudding but I've not missed the sweet oranges and manderinos ripening on the trees, the roasted artichokes(carciofi) ) and chestnuts ( castagne) being sold by the sides of the road and two job offers. Yes busy indeed!

And still am! I need to finish this post before everyone gets going. You've had the mini sherry trifle, the mini chocolate log so now you've got the mini Christmas blog!
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