Tuesday, 24 December 2024

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

I wake up. It's pitch black. Dead of night? Or just before first light? Who knows? There is no sound. I strain my ears but apart from the odd passing car there's nothing.

It's late December now. Still cold, (relatively speaking 14 degrees) sometimes wet but essentially calm. The puppies are not howling, barking -or in fact doing anything. They are gone. Prayers answered. I lay back down and savour the moment. Tidings of Comfort and joy indeed!

This blessed rest had been heaven-sent. When puppy-pestilence - in the form  of gastro-enteritis- had descended on our perfect mini dogs, our lives had equally quickly descended into Hell. Lives on hold we battled to save our furry family. By day we shovelled shit, mopped blood, administered antibiotics and drive around looking for fresh cardboard for the puppy pen. By night exhausted and often tearful,  I  simply prayed. Though I must confess my faith was sorely tested when two puppies died- including 'Little John', the only one that looked like Johnny, dad.

Help was finally sent in the form of Angela, an animalista. Angela regularly called us on Thursdays to inform us that she'd found another loving home. She gave us the  arrival time of the animal collection van. It was all so easy. Tidings of comfort and joy indeed!

Finally on the Thursday before Christmas Eleanor- aka 'Mini Vlad' (the destroyer) was rehomed. That Saturday I could finally get onto Skyscanner and book a belated Christmas trip to Scotland in January.

Passing over the Dochart bridge into Killin that January night, everything seemed eerily calm. Over the noise of the running water I thought I heard a voice whispering: 'We're still here.We know you've been troubled but rest now. Life is as it should be. Whilst  little merry men are happily playing,  gentlemen must take their rest'.

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Back to Life, Back to Reality

'I live at the top of the block
No more trouble and fuss
  Need a change, a positive change
  Look, it's me writing on the wall'.

Soul To Soul: Back to Life

'It's dark. I'm awake. It's 4am, though I don't know it yet! My husband is not beside me. He returns to tell me that we have a new life.

It's early September and I've just returned from Scotland a few hours ago, after a busy week catching up with family and friends. 
Flying back aren't we always suspended between two very different lives: one calm and contemplative and another proactive and productive? 

Two very different selves. For me the contrast could not be more stark and the transition, therefore not always easy to make. My holiday days consisting of relaxed pyjama -mornings drinking coffee followed by tea-dressed afternoons drinking  (you guessed!) more coffee. Contrast my normal  frantic days of work and  lots of dog-walking.

However when the wheels of the plane hit the ground at Napoli, I'm ready. With summer sun  setting on my final week of freedom, I'm hitting the ground running. I'm well and truly back. Back to life, back to reality.

Back to my living-room. Our beautiful dog is now a mother. Her first-born lies beside her. Tiny, tiny; the size of a guinea pig. Molto carino- as Italians would say. He is perfect. In the absence of a birthing-pool, is forced to improvise with an Ikea setee and settles in for the long haul. The final puppy breathes new life at 11am.

Furry fantasy or canine calamity? For certain, a reality for which I must take full responsibility. Little John, Loxley, Maltilda, Maid Marion, Will Scarlet, Eleanora & Tuck. The products of  my delayed sterilisation of Deborah. Consequences of my irresponsibilty?  Blessings to seven good people? The pressing need to find good homes for every one weighs heavily on my shoulders. Only God can help me now!

'Back to life, back to the present time
                                                     Back from a fantasy, yes
                                                    Tell me now take the initiative
                                             I'll leave in your hands, until you are ready'
                                                    Soul To Soul: Back to Life