This blog documents my new life in Italy from 2017. You are invited to share this journey with me. Maybe it will serve to encourage you to share your own life journey with me? I hope so!
Wednesday, 1 November 2023
A Guid Samaritan
Tuesday, 29 August 2023
Trip To Tarquinia
'Hey Johnie Cope! Are you waukin' yet?Are your drums abeating yet?'
Adam Skirving, 1745
I am woken by the sound of drumming. Gentle but deliberate. It's still dark. August 28th- just! Yes, it's the rain.The sound of September indeed. But early. I lie in bed. The drumming becomes louder. My marching orders: Rinse and refresh. Spritz and sparkle. Splash and dash!
The stormy shores of Sardinia are but a distant memory. Time to make more. Time to plan my next trip. My trip to Tarquinia.
So where and why Tarquinia? Tarquinia is about 90km from Rome and was one of the main cities of the Etruscan people, an ancient race who lived and flourished in the centre of Italy, long before the Romans came on the scene. They take their name from the 'Etrusci' which is the name the Romans gave them, which is also the origin of 'Tuscany', the centre of their civilisation. The peoples called themselves 'Rasenna'. The Etruscan civilisation flourished between 750-400BC and was incredibly prosperous. They were a seagoing people forging links all over the Mediterranean. They also had a strong army and were a warrior race.
I would move swiftly on to the mueum which is housed in the ancient Vitelleschi Palace. This museum is one of the most important in Italy, and here I guarantee you will be impressed.
Continuing in the following rooms you can admire some valuable locally produced ceramic and metal artefacts.
Finally you must awaken and hasten on to the necropolises.A world heritage site with 6000 tombs, 62 of which are decorated. They are situated at Tarquinia itself and at nearby Cerveteri (the best selection) They range from the 9th to the 1st centuries BC.
Sunday, 28 May 2023
Braking Hard.
not least the Italian one! Yes, you guessed it! I am not only in possession of a B1 certificate in Italian but also of citizenship. It's taken 2 and a half years and been quite a journey.